October 5, 2017 Jasmine No comments exist

All About African Black Soap

Looking for a natural soap that does not dry out your skin? In making African Black Soap, plantain peels, cocoa pod ash and natural oils like coconut oil and Shea butter are combined together. The plantain peels are sun-dried and roasted, then filtered through water to form an alkaline base. The soap makers then mix the alkaline base from this mixture with the natural oils to form  African Black Soap. Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) reacts with oils to make regular soap.  The soap makers use this alkaline base  in African Black Soap instead of Lye, making it a more natural alternative.

Where Do We Source Our African Black Soap?

We source our African black soap from Ghana (West Africa). In Ghana it is called ‘Alata Semina’. The local marker women in Kumasi – Ashanti Region, Ghana (West Africa) hand make our African Black soap. These women package the freshly made African Black Soap and ship it directly to Australia where we sell it. it is all natural, organic and pure and can help to heal a lot of skin ailments. E.g. pimples, eczema, dry skin etc. These days, a lot of the bigger companies sell soaps that are filled with harsh chemicals or other skin drying ingredients our skin cannot handle, therefore, If you suffer with dry skin or if you are seeking a more natural alternative to regular soap, African Black Soap is worth a try.

How To Determine Real African Black Soap From The Rest ?

It’s important to understand not all soaps advertised as ‘African Black Soap’ are  real African Black Soap. Sometimes, soap may be advertised as ‘African Black Soap’ but it may  just be regular soap with added charcoal or colour pigments to give it the dark colour. Real African Black Soap is dark brown in colour with lighter browns dispersed through out. This natural soap rarely comes in the form of a bar. It is usually in a chunky form. It takes the shape whatever container holds it.
See picture below.
Organic African Black Soap

Uses Of African Black Soap (Natural Soap)

African Black Soap is  used as a body and face wash. It gently cleanses the skin without stripping it of its natural oils, therefore helping to revitalise dry skin, minimise pimples and even out dark spots.  This natural soap is also, be used to cleanse the scalp as well as be used as a make up remover.

You can now purchase African Black Soap in Australia here. it is available is its raw form, in a creamy lemon and Olive Oil Blend as well as a liquid gel form.  The creamy and liquid African black soap is lightly scented with a citrus essential oil blend.

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